Advanced Electrolysis

Advanced electrolysis is a specialist, targeted electrical skin treatment that can be efficiently used to treat various skin concerns. It has been used for over a Century, and is noted for being a low-pain, quick and straight forward treatment method.

Our experienced and highly trained practitoners use a small disposable, sterilised probe to precisely target and cauterise skin imperfections. Low electric currents are delivered to produce heat, which causes the structure and content of the blemish to coagulate or dry up.

Advanced electrolysis can be used to treat;

·       Milia

·        Warts

·        Moles

·        Scars

·        Cysts

·        Skin Tags

·        Blood Spots

·        Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra (DPN)

Any skin growths must be assessed by a doctor or dermatologist prior to treatment.


Electrolysis treatment is delivered to the affected area via a small, sterilised disposable probe, with low electric current passing through it, to produce heat and cauterize the skin imperfection. There are different sized probes that can be used, according to the skin condition and area being treated. This treatment is pain-free.


Depending on the number of lesions treated, the procedure last a few minutes to an hour.


There is minimal to no down time. You should be able to continue with your normal activities, including work, after your treatment. Your skin may appear inflamed, this should typically subside 24-48 hours after treatment. The treated area will typically form scabs or crusts, which should drop off within 7-10 days post treatment, afterwards leaving a slightly pink skin. Avoid sunlight, heat treatments, make up, high-impact exercise and using perfumed-products for 48 hours after treatment. Keep the treated area clean and dry. Apply broadspectrum SPF 30+ regularly.


In some cases, for example, scar treatments, repeat treatments are recommended. In other cases - for instance, warts, a single treatment may be sufficient. For single treatment procedures, you should notice results 10 days after your treatment, when the crusting has disappeared. During your consultation, your Practitioner should be able to advise you on the number of treatment sessions required and recommend other treatments that may be appropriate for you.