Neck Lift

#necklift #botoxnecklift #weybridgenecklift #nerfertitilift #platysmabands #beautifulneck

The neck is one of the first places to exhibit signs of ageing. A youthful neck is the holy grail of positive ageing. Also known as the Nerfetiti Neck Lift, this procedure results in an elegant, swan-like neck.

Using the artful placement of Botox injections, we can help lift the corners of your mouth, define your jawline and smoothen wrinkle lines on your neck.

Nerfetiti Neck Lifts are effective for treating;

Jawline definition

Wrinkling and sagging neck area

Loose jowls


After an initial consultation, to assess your medical health, the treatment will be performed by injecting small units of botulinum toxin A into the surrounding skin of the area of concern. The needles used are very fine and feel like tiny pin-pricks, which most patients easily tolerate.

Botulinum toxin A is a prescription only medication, therefore it should only be administered by highly trained nurses, doctors and dentists.


Depending on how many areas being treated, the assessment and procedure takes approximately 30 minutes.


Discomfort and downtime is minimal. There may be mild tenderness, which subsides within minutes, allowing you to return to normal activities soon after. However, you are advised to avoid intense physical acctivities and exercises, as well as make up and alcohol for 24 hours following treatment. Until the product has settled, we advise against touching the treatment areas, and avoid smoking, which could impact on your healing properly. You may experience mild bruising, swelling and redness at the injection site, which should subside after a few days.


The treatment takes 2 weeks to take full effect with a visible results experienced within 2-5 days following treatment. A follow up appointment is usually recommended after 2 weeks to review the results. For permanent results, treatments should be repeated every 3-4 months. To avoid experiencing a return to symptoms, we will keep you informed of your next treatment due date .